Hey! I'm

Jonathan Cacay Llanes

a passionate Videogame Developer with a strong enthusiasm for creating innovative and efficient solutions! My dream is to hopefully make a good JRPG!
Currently a 4th year student at CITM | UPC pursuing a Bachellor's Degree on Videogame Design & Development. Born and raised in Barcelona with Filipino heritage. Contact me if you want to create something amazing together!
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My abilities


C/C++, C#, Python, Java

C++ C# Python Java

Version Control Software:



Project Management Tools:

HacknPlan, Trello, ClickUp

HacknPlan Trello ClickUp


Visual Studio 2019/22, Visual Studio Code, Audacity, Maya

Visual Studio 2022 Visual Studio Code Audacity Maya


Unity, own custom engines


So, what are the things I have done?

Guerrilla War Tribute

Description: A tribute to Guerrilla War by implementing only the first level. A run and gun video game.

Technology used: C++, SDL2

Role: Coder & manager, programming enemy behavior, colliders, movement, scene management, and general gameplay.

Check it out at GitHub.

No Time to Di(c)e

Description: Entry for the GMTK Game Jam 2022. A run and gun video game which theme is "Roll of the Dice"

From 6,053 entries, we managed to obtain the following scores:

Enjoyment #1169 Score: 3.217

Overall #1287 Score: 3.319

Creativity #1453 Score: 3.348

Presentation #1489 Score: 3.391

Technology used: C++, SDL2

Role: Coder & manager, programming regular enemies behavior, colliders, movement, scene management, and general gameplay.

Check it out at itch.io.

3D Race Car

Description: A race against the clock video game with a simple car and textures.

Technology used: C++, Bullet (Physics engine), OpenGL and SDL2.

Role: Coder & manager, programming checkpoints and respawns, adding SFXs, physics world small changes, and general gameplay.

Check it out at GitHub.

Pokémon Pinball (Sapphire Table)

Description: A tribute for pinball video game Pokémon Pinball for educational purposes.

Technology used: C++, SDL2 and Box2D.

Role: Coder & manager, programming asset animations, colliders, physics world small changes, adding SFXs, and general gameplay.

Check it out at GitHub.

Super Metal Boy

Description: A platformer like inspired by Super Meat Boy. Able to wall jump, double jump and dash through enemies.

Technology used: C++, Box2D, SDL2, pugiXML and Optick.

Role: Coder, programming movement, colliders, player dash, adding SFXs, enemy spawns, checkpoints, debug features, implementing the UI, and general gameplay.

Check it out at GitHub.

3D Environment

Description: A 3D Environment, where all the assets, textures, models and partciles were made from scratch. Inspired in Inazuma from Genshin Impact.

Technology used: Unity, C#, Maya, Adobe Substance, Adobe Photoshop.

Check it out at GitHub.


Description: A parody JRPG that combines fantasy and steampunk in a turn-based battle system.

Technology used: C++ SDL2, pugiXML.

Role: Project lead & coder, programming player stats, adding SFXs & BGMs, enemy stats and behaviors, item database, quests database, scene transitions, implementing the UI, and general gameplay.

Check it out at GitHub.

Artificial Intelligence Playground

Description: An environment filled with AI NPCs that have different behaviors.

Technology used: Unity, C#.

Check it out at GitHub.

Kingdom Game Engine

Description: A sophisticated 3D Game Engine that has as an advanced module, a Scripting Module by embedding mono to our engine.

Technology used: C++, SDL2, ImGui, OpenGL, Assimp, DevIL, mono.

Role: Coder, file explorer, refactor .cpp files, implementing the UI, draw 3D objects, log console, hardware detection, fps counter & graph, hierarchy & inspector, drag & drop .fbx files.

Check it out at GitHub.

Lost in Dreams

Description: Entry for the 7a Gran CITM Game Jam. A platformer where the player can dash, wall jump and use a grappling hook.

Technology used: Unity, Audacity (audio editing), C#

Role: Coder, programming player movement and physics, grappling hook, wall jump, dash, portals, adding SFXs & BGMs.

Check it out at itch.io.

Jailed VR - An escape room horror experience

Description: A VR escape room with horror aspects inspired by the SAW movie series and games like Silent Hill, P.T.

Technology used: Unity, XR Toolkit, C#.

Role: Coder, programming the whole numpad puzzle and the UV light, general gameplay, environment lighting and feeling.

Check it out at GitHub.

Alien: Nemesis

Description: A fast paced shooter with exploration, in a dark environment plagued by aliens. The aesthetic of the game is based on the Alien franchise started in 1978.

Technology used: TheOneEngine (Game Engine done from 0) using C++, C# SDL2, ImGui, OpenGL, Assimp, DevIL, mono.

Role: Coder, created TheOneBuilder (new entry point for the .sln project to generate the .exe file), ALL enemy behaviors, item manager, lighting module.

Check it out at Alien: Nemesis Official Page.


September 2021 - Present

Bachellor's Degree

Videogame Design & Development


Barcelona, Spain
September 2018 - June 2020

Certificate of Higher Education

Multiplatform Applications Development

@ STUCOM Centre d'Estudis

Barcelona, Spain
September 2015 - June 2017

Secondary Education Diploma


@ IES Escola del Treball

Barcelona, Spain


November 2019 - May 2020

Software Developer & Bug fixing Internship

@ Carver Advanced Systems S.L.

Barcelona, Spain

Technology used: Angular, Typescript, JavaScript, ActionScript



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